Entries from 2014-01-01 to 1 year
Few parts of our body are treated as badly as the feet, especially when they are stuffed into very high heels or ill-fitting and uncomfortable shoes. The primary cause of claw toes is the tightening of the legaments and tendons of the toe …
In a lab, there are certain things which cannot be done without. For instance, very important lab equipment is the nylon Syringe Filter. It is especially for those who conduct the very sensitive experiment and researches including those of…
Try to keep your shoulders off the floor for a full set of eight repetitions on each hand with the stomach contracted during the entire time. Do not forget to breathe and do not drop your head into your chest. Imagine a tennis ball in the …
Another less frequent type of bunion is Juvenile Bunion or Juvenile Hallux Valgus In this condition there is a severely deformed first metatarsal joint. The lateral deviation of the big toe usually develops in childhood or early teenagers.…
Treatment in adults generally consists of wearing spacious, comfortable shoes with good arch support. Your doctor may recommend padding for the heel (heel cup) or orthotic shoe devices, which are molded pieces of rubber, leather, metal, pl…